UPDATE: RiLUnE, Revue of Literatures of the European Union (5/20/05; journal issue)
Call for Journal Submissions
RiLUnE - Revue of Literatures of the European Union
RiLUnE (http://www.rilune.org), Revue of Literatures of the European
Union, intends to contribute to the development of a European cultural
conscience, which is considered a necessary complement, possibly a
condition, for the effectiveness of the political and economical union
currently in process. The revue aims to overcome a comparative
perspective in order to approach, as much as possible, the unitary
vision of a common civilization, with its inherent problems and
conflicts, but also with its richness and splendour.
This project has been inspired by an idea of Ruggero Campagnoli made
possible thanks to the work of Anna Soncini, together with the support
of a group of colleagues and friends devoted to promote a serious
itinerary in cultural and academic "Europeization": Bernard Baritaud
(France), Ana Gonz=E1lez Salvador (Spain), =C9ric Lys=F8e (France), Anne
Neuschaefer (Germany), Fran=E7oise Wuilmart (Belgium). The future of the
revue is strictly connected to a participation which we hope will expand
according to the foreseen structure and modalities.
Ri.L.Un.E accepts articles and proposals of collaboration which can be
sent directly to the Editorial Board, as well as to the partner-members
of the revue.
For its next three issues, Rilune is seeking papers on:
1. Ideologies in European Literature in the 20th Century
2. Forms and antiforms in the poetry of the second half of the 20th
3. Avant-garde and avant-gardes in Europe
Deadline for abstracts: May 20, 2005
Deadline for articles: September 15, 2005
Submission guidelines:
> Please submit a paper copy (together with a digital one, i.e. cd-rom
or floppy-disk) or email your proposal to the Editorial Board. The texts
shall be MS Word-compatible (in case a different word-processor is
employed, the text shall be saved in a compatible format) and shall be
about 30.000 characters long (spaces and notes included).
> Articles are accepted in any of the following languages of the
European Union: French, German, English, Italian and Spanish. Every
article shall be accompanied by two abstracts in English and French,
each one not exceeding 750 characters (spaces included), together with
the translation of the title in these two languages.
> Four or five keywords shall be submitted to the Editorial Board
together with every article.
> A short resume of not more than 200 characters shall be attached to
the article in either English, French or Italian. The affiliation which
authors wishes to have under their names shall be indicated at the end
of the article, in brackets, next to the name of the author (family name
Address questions to the editorial board: rilune_at_lingue.unibo.it
For further information, visit: www.rilune.org
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Apr 29 2005 - 14:03:53 EDT