CFP: 2006 Southeastern Writing Centers Assoc. Conf. (5/15/05 or 9/15/05; 2/16/06-2/18/06)
SWCA 2006 Call For Proposals
The Southeastern Writing Center Association is pleased to announce an early call for proposals for its 2006 annual conference, February 16-18: "Let's Research: Gathering Evidence to Support Writing Center Work." Co-hosted by the University of North Carolina and Duke University, the conference venue is at the historic Carolina Inn in Chapel Hill. Neal Lerner, co-editor of the Writing Center Journal and co-author of The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring, is the keynote speaker.
As writing centers, we are increasingly called upon to demonstrate our effectiveness and catalog our contributions to the communities we serve. While our institutions vary widely, we share a common need to investigate our theory and practice and convey our knowledge in measurable, convincing ways. We invite you to submit a proposal on any aspect of writing center work and to think creatively about what kinds of problems you'd like to solve, knowledge you'd like to gain, theories you'd like to investigate, and practices you'd like to test or measure. The early submission deadline is May 15 (acceptance notification by June 15) and the regular submission deadline is Sept. 15 (acceptance notification by Oct. 15). The conference web site is
Jennifer Liethen Kunka, Ph.D.
SWCA Vice-President
Assistant Professor of English and
Writing Center Director
Francis Marion University
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed May 11 2005 - 15:50:12 EDT