
displaying 1 - 15 of 31

CFP: Tractarian Poetics (8/1/05; journal issue)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:24pm
Kirstie Blair

We are currently editing a special issue of _Victorian Poetry_, scheduled for publication in 2006, on Tractarian poetry and poetics and its influence on Victorian literature and religion. Due to the unavoidable withdrawal of one of our contributors, we are interested in hearing from anyone who has material on this topic which could be quickly turned into a high-quality article. The article (c.6000 words) would have to be completed by the end of July at the latest, and preferably earlier.

For further information or to express interest, please contact us at the email addresses below.

Dr Kirstie Blair
University of Glasgow

CFP: Tractarian Poetics (8/1/05; journal issue)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:24pm
Kirstie Blair

We are currently editing a special issue of _Victorian Poetry_, scheduled for publication in 2006, on Tractarian poetry and poetics and its influence on Victorian literature and religion. Due to the unavoidable withdrawal of one of our contributors, we are interested in hearing from anyone who has material on this topic which could be quickly turned into a high-quality article. The article (c.6000 words) would have to be completed by the end of July at the latest, and preferably earlier.

For further information or to express interest, please contact us at the email addresses below.

Dr Kirstie Blair
University of Glasgow

CFP: Renaissance Lives (UK) (6/30/05; 10/22/05; online publication of proceedings)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm


(with apologies for cross posting)




Papers are invited for the fourth annual conference of the Centre for
Research in Renaissance Studies, Roehampton University, London SW15 5PH on
22 October 2005. The conference theme is 'Renaissance Lives'.


Dr David Starkey will give the Turner Lecture in Renaissance Studies
(keynote lecture).


Invited speakers will include Tom Healy (Professor of Renaissance Studies,
Birkbeck University of London), Kate McLuskie (Director, The Shakespeare
Institute, Stratford-upon- Avon), and Marion Wynne-Davies (Reader in
English, Dundee University).


CFP: Renaissance Lives (UK) (6/30/05; 10/22/05; online publication of proceedings)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm


(with apologies for cross posting)




Papers are invited for the fourth annual conference of the Centre for
Research in Renaissance Studies, Roehampton University, London SW15 5PH on
22 October 2005. The conference theme is 'Renaissance Lives'.


Dr David Starkey will give the Turner Lecture in Renaissance Studies
(keynote lecture).


Invited speakers will include Tom Healy (Professor of Renaissance Studies,
Birkbeck University of London), Kate McLuskie (Director, The Shakespeare
Institute, Stratford-upon- Avon), and Marion Wynne-Davies (Reader in
English, Dundee University).


CFP: Neal Stephenson (8/15/05; 20th-C. Lit., 2/23/06-2/25/06)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm
Jon Lewis

Calls for papers exploring any aspect of Neal Stephenson's work for
the 20th-Century Literature & Culture Conference at the University of
Louisville (2/23/06-2/25/06).

Of particular interest are responses to the recently published
Baroque Cycle, but the panel will not necessarily be limited to these

Other potential areas of interest:
Virtual worlds
"Virtual" histories
War and violence
Cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk
Digital computers and technology
Stephenson's place in the contemporary canon

Please send a one-page abstract or completed 20 minute paper as a
Word attachment or in-line text to <jon.lewis_at_uncp.edu>

CFP: Neal Stephenson (8/15/05; 20th-C. Lit., 2/23/06-2/25/06)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm
Jon Lewis

Calls for papers exploring any aspect of Neal Stephenson's work for
the 20th-Century Literature & Culture Conference at the University of
Louisville (2/23/06-2/25/06).

Of particular interest are responses to the recently published
Baroque Cycle, but the panel will not necessarily be limited to these

Other potential areas of interest:
Virtual worlds
"Virtual" histories
War and violence
Cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk
Digital computers and technology
Stephenson's place in the contemporary canon

Please send a one-page abstract or completed 20 minute paper as a
Word attachment or in-line text to <jon.lewis_at_uncp.edu>

CFP: Race and Kids Culture (7/1/05; journal issue)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm

Essays are sought for a special issue of Cultural Studies<=>Critical
Metholodologies on Race and Kids Culture. The special issue will speak to
a set of shared concerns. As corporations increasingly structure and media
almost entirely saturate the lives of children, scholars and social
critics have rightly begun to explore the articulations of power, culture,
and identity. Inspired particularly by the emergent field of cultural
studies and informed by the post-marxist, feminist, and post-structural
frameworks, they have interpreted the ways in which toys, games, movies,
television, music, and literature educate, imprint, and otherwise
interpolate them to embrace normative values and institutions.

CFP: Race and Kids Culture (7/1/05; journal issue)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm

Essays are sought for a special issue of Cultural Studies<=>Critical
Metholodologies on Race and Kids Culture. The special issue will speak to
a set of shared concerns. As corporations increasingly structure and media
almost entirely saturate the lives of children, scholars and social
critics have rightly begun to explore the articulations of power, culture,
and identity. Inspired particularly by the emergent field of cultural
studies and informed by the post-marxist, feminist, and post-structural
frameworks, they have interpreted the ways in which toys, games, movies,
television, music, and literature educate, imprint, and otherwise
interpolate them to embrace normative values and institutions.

CFP: Race and Kids Culture (7/1/05; journal issue)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm

Essays are sought for a special issue of Cultural Studies<=>Critical
Metholodologies on Race and Kids Culture. The special issue will speak to
a set of shared concerns. As corporations increasingly structure and media
almost entirely saturate the lives of children, scholars and social
critics have rightly begun to explore the articulations of power, culture,
and identity. Inspired particularly by the emergent field of cultural
studies and informed by the post-marxist, feminist, and post-structural
frameworks, they have interpreted the ways in which toys, games, movies,
television, music, and literature educate, imprint, and otherwise
interpolate them to embrace normative values and institutions.

CFP: Leonardo Electronic Almanac: Wild Nature and the Digital Life (7/8/05; journal issue)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm
Sue Thomas

LEA Special Issue: Wild Nature and the Digital Life

* Worldwide Call for Submissions *

Guest Editors: Sue Thomas and Dene Grigar



 The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISSN No: 1071-4391) is inviting
papers [and artworks] themed around Wild Nature and the Digital Life.

CFP: Leonardo Electronic Almanac: Wild Nature and the Digital Life (7/8/05; journal issue)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm
Sue Thomas

LEA Special Issue: Wild Nature and the Digital Life

* Worldwide Call for Submissions *

Guest Editors: Sue Thomas and Dene Grigar



 The Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISSN No: 1071-4391) is inviting
papers [and artworks] themed around Wild Nature and the Digital Life.

CFP: Twentieth-Century Lit. Conference: Doris Lessing (8/15/05; 20th-C. Lit., 2/23/06-2/25/06)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm
Debrah Raschke

Pre-Arranged Panel: Any topic pertaining to Doris Lessing and her work for
the Twentieth-Century Literature Conference to be held in at the University
of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky (February 23-25, 2006): Send 250-350
word abstracts (double spaced), a cover sheet (information listed
below). Deadline August 15, 2005.

CFP: Crossroads of History and Culture (Portugal) (no deadline noted; 4/27/06-4/29/06)

Thursday, May 19, 2005 - 3:23pm

We would appreciate if you could announce our Call for Papers for the 27th
International Conference for the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American
Studies, "Crossroads of History and Culture", on 27-29 April 2006, in
Carcavelos, Lisbon, Portugal. The web site with all information is:


Carlos Ceia

Head of the Department of Modern Languages, Cultures and Literatures
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
New University of Lisbon - Portugal

