CFP: Interrogating 24 (7/31/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Steven Peacock

Call for Papers: Interrogating 24

Articles are sought for a collection on the hugely successful television

serial drama 24. With the fourth season due for imminent release in the U.K

on DVD, the time is ripe to revisit the series, to consider the true impact

and significance of 24. It is the aim of the collection that the methods

and approaches of the writers should vary in dynamic ways, with each

equally committed to a guiding principle: that by interrogating 24, we can

gain a greater understanding of the state of contemporary television, both

as an institution and a medium. The collection will be aimed at an educated

but not highly-specialized audience. The essays chosen for the volume will

be scholarly but not obscure, with an emphasis on a critical evaluation of

24. The following list of topics is meant only to be suggestive and not


- Advertising/marketing 24
- Drug-use in 24
- Torture in 24
- 24 as ?war-on-terror porn?
- Evolution of the series over seasons 1-4
- Individual episodes
- Morality
- 24 fan communities
- Conceptions of law and order in 24
- Interrogations of gender, race, class, age, and sexuality in 24
- Technological fantasies
- Realism and authenticity
- Politics and warfare
- The family unit in 24
- Music, colour, performance, décor
- The relationship between film and television
- Narrative forms in 24
- Split-screen and real-time
- Video games and 24
- Reception and viewing television
- American culture, national identity and 24
- 24 and modes of communication
- Terrorism and globalisation

Proposals are sought ASAP but will be accepted until July 31st 2005. Please

send your inquiries, complete submissions, or a proposal of no more than

750 words as an email attachment to Please

include a short biography with your proposal.

Essays chosen for final consideration must be completed by November 1st


              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu May 19 2005 - 11:23:26 EDT
