CFP: Renaissance Lives (UK) (6/30/05; 10/22/05; online publication of proceedings)

full name / name of organization: 


(with apologies for cross posting)




Papers are invited for the fourth annual conference of the Centre for
Research in Renaissance Studies, Roehampton University, London SW15 5PH on
22 October 2005. The conference theme is 'Renaissance Lives'.


Dr David Starkey will give the Turner Lecture in Renaissance Studies
(keynote lecture).


Invited speakers will include Tom Healy (Professor of Renaissance Studies,
Birkbeck University of London), Kate McLuskie (Director, The Shakespeare
Institute, Stratford-upon- Avon), and Marion Wynne-Davies (Reader in
English, Dundee University).


Papers are invited from academic staff, independent researchers and
postgraduate students on the following or related topics:

classical and Renaissance biography; modern biography;
hidden/invented/exemplary lives; constructions of the self; astrology;
popular and formal portrayal in ballads, chapbooks, portraiture, or funerary
sculpture; literary, historical or artistic figures in film, theatre and
fiction; or any combination of these topics. Interdisciplinary approaches
and perspectives will be particularly welcome.


Proposals (250-300 words) for short papers (maximum 2,500
words) should be submitted by 30 June 2005 to Susanne Greenhalgh
( Accepted papers - to be submitted by 15
September - will be circulated by Seminar Chairs before the conference, and
participants will be invited to speak briefly to their papers. Conference
papers will be published as online conference proceedings with an ISBN under
the title 'Renaissance Lives'.


For further details including maps and a booking form please go to


and follow the link to 'conference'.


If you have any queries or would be interested in chairing a session please
write to


Professor Robin Headlam Wells

(, or

Susanne Greenhalgh (








Susanne Greenhalgh,

Principal Lecturer,

Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies,

School of Arts,

Roehampton University,

Digby Stuart College,

Roehampton Lane,

London SW15 5PH


e-mail: <>


Tel. 0208-392-3334

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu May 19 2005 - 11:23:56 EDT