CFP: Tessera: Languages in Feminist and Queer Thought (8/30/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Anne Martine Parent
contact email: 

Call for papers

Tessera considers only submissions made in response to our calls for papers.
We invite contributions in English and/or French of texts both verbal and
visual. We encourage play along borders, especially crossings of the
boundary between creative and theoretical texts. Please send three hard
copies on which your name does not appear. Include a short summary of the
piece and a separate brief biographical note (with your postal and email
address). Manuscripts will not be returned.

What is the status of language in feminist and queer thought? A reflexion on
maternal language and the language of the mother is present in the tradition
of women¹s studies. Today, in a generalized context of bilingualism and
global polylingualism, can we still wish to found institutions in the
maternal tongue? What place does language occupy in the way that we conceive
of (sexual, ethnic) identity? Tessera invites you to submit texts, critical
and/or creative, on these (and other) aspects of languages. Deadline: August
30th 2005.

Please send your submissions to:
Tessera, c/o Martine Delvaux
Etudes litteraires
Universite du Quebec a Montreal
CP 8888, succursale centre-ville
Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3P8

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu May 19 2005 - 11:23:17 EDT
