CFP: Globalization, Globality, and Postnationality in Contemporary Poetry (8/15/05; 20th-C. Lit., 2/23/06-2/25/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Omaar Hena
contact email: 

CFP: Globalization, Globality, and Postnationality in
Contemporary Poetry (8/15/05; 20th C. Literature and
Culture Conference, 2/23-25/06)

Call for papers for a critical panel on any aspect of
globalization, globality, and postnationality in
contemporary Anglophone poetry (since 1945, but especially
since the 1970's) at the 20th Century Literature and
Culture Conference in Louisville, KY, U. of Louisville,
Feb 23-25, 2006.

The processes of globalization have been said to throw
into crisis the centrality of the nation-state,
nationality, and the notion of national belonging. For
quite some time now, the discourse of poetry criticism has
grouped and interpreted contemporary poets within clearly
demarcated national or continental borders (American,
British, Irish, Indian, African, Caribbean, for example).
While Jahan Ramazani in The Hyrbid Muse (2001) has given a
much needed critical intervention into the intersections
of world Anglophone poetry and the postcolonial and
postcoloniality, few poetry scholars, however, have begun
to examine and theorize the impacts of globalization and
globality upon contemporary poetry. This panel will
examine how contemporary Anglophone poets expand,
transgress, or dissolve the borders of the nation-state,
nationality, and nationalism through cross-cultural
encounters, border crossing, migration and travel, and
transnational flows of people, images, objects, ideas,
poetic forms, (and so on) within their texts. I also
welcome papers that consider how contemporary poets resist
or redefine the global and globalization through a deeper
entrenchment into the local, locale, and location.

Please send abstracts (350-500 words) by August 15, 2005

Omaar Hena
1320 Welford Ave
Charlottesville, VA 22903
electronic submissions:

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue May 24 2005 - 12:40:39 EDT
