CFP: Regional Mothers and Motherhood (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Lisa Bernstein
contact email: 

College English Association National Conference: Reading the Regions /
Writing the Regions / Teaching the Regions
San Antonio, Texas, April 6-8, 2006

Deadline for all proposals: October 15, 2005

I am coordinating a set of panels on the topic of "Regional Mothers and
Motherhood" at the national College English Association conference, for
which I am interested in receiving individual or panel presentation
proposals that address ways in which art, film, literature, and other
media have used the figure of the mother to define, represent,
reinscribe, cross, blur, deconstruct, or transgress geographical,
historical, cultural, and/or ideological regions.

Proposals should include the following information:
Institutional affiliation (if applicable)
Mailing address (include zip code)
Phone number and E-mail address
Title of the proposed presentation
Abstract of no more than 500 words
A-V equipment needs, if any
Special needs, if any

If you are proposing a panel, the panel organizer should include the
above information for all proposed participants.

Proposals may be submitted by post, fax, or E-mail (include abstract in
message body).

CEA limits presentations to 15 minutes; panels to 75 minutes (with 3 to
4 presenters to a panel).

All presenters must join CEA by Jan 1, 2006, to appear on the program.
No one may read more than one paper at the conference.

If you are willing to serve as a session chair or respondent, please
indicate this in your cover letter.

Please send your proposal to:
Lisa Bernstein
University of Maryland University College
PG Metro III, Room 7733
3501 University Blvd. East
Adelphi, MD 20783
Fax: 240.582.2993
Phone: 240.582.2838

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun May 29 2005 - 10:04:22 EDT
