CFP: Reconstructing Hybridity (8/15/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Jopi Nyman
contact email: 

Call for Papers: 'Reconstructing Hybridity'; An Anthology of Critical Essays

We will greatly welcome your original high-quality contribution to the
volume Reconstructing Hybridity which will provide an interesting
international forum for the discussion of hybridity. In recent years,
hybridity has become one of the most important and influential as well as
contested concepts in post-colonial theory. While theorists like Homi
Bhabha have used it to describe the effective and productive conditions of
culture, others like Aijaz Ahmad criticize the application of the term as a
form of postmodern alienation, devoid of historical particularity.

Convinced that hybridity is an appropriate critical concept and
acknowledging the criticism of its application, we would like to explore in
this volume the ways in which the notion of hybridity may be reassessed and
reconstructed to bear on new contexts and forms of literary-cultural
practice. In an international environment of diaspora and transcultural
connections where discourses of authenticity and heterogeneity are
continuously pitted against one another it is significant that issues can
be discussed coherently and responsibly.

It should also be emphasized that hybridity is not a mere celebration of
mixed cultures. Rather, we would also like to invite submissions dealing
the questions of unhomeliness, violence and despair that play a crucial
role in the formation of hybrid subjectivity. We remain convinced that the
counterhegemonic and emancipatory dimensions of culture implied in the
notion of hybridity are worth developing and applying to new texts and
contexts. Therefore, we are looking for articles that approach the issue of
reconstructing hybridity theoretically and/or practically by examining
literary and cultural texts. Possible issues to be considered include:

* the genealogy of hybridity as a critical concept;
* the contesting theories of hybridity;
* the challenge of gender for hybridity;
* contextual expressions of hybridity;
* literary expressions of the applicability/inapplicability of hybridity;

While we are interested in all Anglophone cultures and literatures, we
particularly invite essays dealing with hybridity and the United States.

Articles should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words and in English. British
spelling is preferred. References, Endnotes, and Works Cited should conform
to the 5th edition of the MLA Handbook (1999) or the latest (2nd) edition
of the MLA Style Manual (see the MLA website at

Submissions, preferably in MS Word 97/2000 format, may be sent either by
e-mail (as an attachment) or on floppy disk to either editor. Mailing a
hard copy to the editors is acceptable if you do not have access to a
computer. The deadline for submissions will be 15 August, 2005.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for all further enquiries.

Jopi Nyman
Joel Kuortti

Contact information:
Dr. Jopi Nyman, Department of Foreign Languages, University of Joensuu, POB
111, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland. Fax. +358-13-251 4211; tel. +358-13-251
4331. E-mail: <>
Dr. Joel Kuortti, Researcher, University of Joensuu
Ketostenkatu 50
FIN-33300 Tampere, Finland. E-mail:

Jopi Nyman, PhD
Head of Foreign Languages Department
University of Joensuu
P O Box 111
Tel +358 13 251 4331
Fax +358 13 251 4211

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Received on Fri Jun 03 2005 - 10:34:39 EDT