CFP: Empire, Borderlands, & Border Cultures (11/1/05; 3/16/06-3/18/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Arnold A. Schmidt
contact email: 

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          In an effort to facilitate a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary
conversation about empire, California State University/Stanislaus will host
a conference on "Empire, Borderlands, & Border Cultures," Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday, 16-18 March 2006. To situate these topics in as broad a
context as possible, we seek scholars working in such disciplines as
Anthropology, Architecture & Art History, Economics, Education, Ethnic &
Gender Studies, Film Studies, Geography, History, Literature, Philosophy,
Politics & Public Policy, and the sciences.




Yen Le Espiritu. Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California,
San Diego (


Selected Publications: Home Bound: Filipino American Lives across Cultures,
Communities, and Countries (University of California Press, 2003); Asian
American Women and Men: Labor, Laws, and Love (Sage Press, 1997); Filipino
American Lives (Temple University Press, 1995); Asian American Panethnicity:
Bridging Institutions and Identities (Temple University Press, 1992).



Philippa Levine. Department of History, University of Southern California


Selected Publications: Gender and Empire (ed., Oxford University Press,
2004); Prostitution, Race and Politics: Policing Venereal Disease in the
British Empire (Routledge, 2003); Women's Suffrage in the British Empire:
Citizenship, Nation and Race (ed., Routledge, 2000); Feminist Lives in
Victorian England. Private Roles and Public Commitment (Basil Blackwell,





          We hope that participants will address the issues of empire from
antiquity to postmodernity, on every continent and from many cultures.
Suggested topics might include, but are by no means limited to, the


          -- Diaspora, Immigration, "Crossing Over," & "Passing."

          -- Ecocide & the Political Ecology of Empire.

          -- Reverse Colonization: the Latinization of North America.

          -- Imperial Borders & Language: Dominance, Discrimination, &

          -- The Empire in Popular Culture.

          -- Teaching Imperial Ideology: Empire, Education, & Children's

          -- Borders and "Borders" -- Theorizing Cultural Connection &

          -- From Hollywood to Bollywood & Beyond: the Empire on Film.

          -- Home, Refugees, the Dispossessed: Migration, Place, & Identity.

          -- The Border as Metaphor.

          -- Constructing/Constricting National, Religious, & Ethnic

          -- Imperialism & Visual Culture.

          -- Theories of Empire: the Political, Historical, Erotic, &

          -- Biopower.

          -- The Imperial In-Between in Drama, Fiction, Film, & Poetry.

          -- Transnational Feminism(s).

          -- Dialectism & Resistance: Black English, Chicanismo, &
Linguistic Minorities.

          -- Technological Border-Crossings: Empire, Film, TV, and the Web.

          -- Gender & Empire.

          -- Cosmopolitanism: World Culture vs. Local Identity.

          -- Imperialism, Philanthropy, & Aid.



Submission deadline: 1 November 2005. You may send hardcopies to


          Arnold A. Schmidt, Ph.D.

          Empire Conference Committee

          Department of English

          California State University, Stanislaus

          801 W. Monte Vista Ave.

          Turlock, CA 95382


          One page vitas and proposals for 20-minute papers can be emailed
to Betsy Eudey ( or Arnold Schmidt
( We welcome panel proposals. No attachments please.


          Located in the Central Valley, CSU/Stanislaus lies about two hours
east of San Francisco and Berkeley, and about three hours west of Yosemite
National Park.


              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jun 06 2005 - 16:32:12 EDT