CFP: Women and American Nations (11/11/05; 3/10/06-3/11/06)

full name / name of organization: 
douglas boudreau

The First Mercyhurst Colloquium on the Americas

Topic: Women in the Construction of American Nations

Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pennsylvania
March 10-11, 2006

We are soliciting papers from any discipline on topics related to women and nation-building and/or the construction/ revision/ promotion/ preservation/ transgression of national identity/ies in the Americas (including South, Central and North America, as well as the Caribbean). The word "nation" is understood as referring to any cultural, ethnic, and racial group that defines itself as a nation as well as to nation-states.

Please submit an abstract of 300 words with a cover letter including your name, academic affiliation and the proposal's title by November 11, 2005 to:
Dr. Douglas Boudreau
Dept. of World Languages & Cultures
Mercyhurst College
501 East 38th Street
Erie, PA 16546-0001

or as an e-mail attachment (as a Microsoft Word document or in a format readable by Microsoft Word) to To encourage participation from all who attend, we are asking that all communications be delivered in English. The program will allow for papers of 20 minutes, followed by a period of questions.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jun 06 2005 - 16:31:27 EDT
