CFP: Radio Territories (8/15/05; collection)
Radio Territories
Where does radio leave us, and what future does it point to?
The legacy of radio and the arts has spawned forms of radical culture,
from early Modernist notions of the "Wireless Imagination" and its
subsequent vernacular tongues to Acoustic Ecology's call for "Radical
Radio" based on removing the DJ, transmission and broadcast media
upsets and redistributes understandings of place, corporeality, social
exchange, and the politics of information. Such instances of radicality
find their counter-balance within public broadcasting, whose support of
public services and cultural programming generates other forms of
unique broadcasting. The relationship between sub-cultural radio and
public broadcasting is at the heart of Radio Territories, as questions
of culture, politics, and technology are brought to the fore.
While literature and theories on and about radio have appeared
intermittently, the current initiatives around digital streaming,
web-radio, and podcasting demands a contemporary measuring of the
radiophonic and subsequent burgeoning of new cultural forms. To address
radio in the present, Radio Territories seeks to open the book on its
historical, medial, and aesthetical status.
We invite proposals by theorists, artists, engineers, Djs, and
historians, which pursue a critical assessment and activation of the
contemporary radio dial. Critical and creative essays will be coupled
with artistic and audio projects so as to locate the territories of
radio and its ever-expanding and deepening reach. While radio through
the Modern period stitched together an electronic network by expanding
outward, digital radio finally fulfils Marshal McLuhan's global idea of
the "extended nervous system" by networking individual lives on a
cellular level. Radio is no longer out there, in the ether, but totally
inside, as individual transmissions that nonetheless speak from within
a crowded room.
An abstract of 300 words should be submitted no later than August 15th.
Final articles are due November 15th. We also encourage the submission
of art and audio projects that expose the performative nature of radio.
Radio Territories will contain an accompanying CD.
Abstracts and correspondence should be directed to the editors at:
Erik Granly Jensen -
Brandon LaBelle -
Radio Territories
Edited by Erik Granly Jensen and Brandon LaBelle
Published by Errant Bodies press (
Release date: spring 2006
Erik Granly Jensen is a post.doc. in the Department of Comparative
Literature and Modern Culture at the University of Copenhagen. He is
currently working on a project concerned with the relationship between
technology and the arts in early European radio.
Brandon LaBelle is an artist, writer, and editor of Errant Bodies
press. He recently completed his PhD, "Background Noise: Sound Art and
the Resonance of Place", at the London Consortium. He currently is a
visiting lecturer at the University of Copenhagen.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Jun 10 2005 - 01:34:34 EDT