CFP: Rebecca Rush and Her Contemporaries (10/10/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

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Title: Rebecca Rush and Her Contemporaries
Proposed Panel for the SSAWW (Society of the Study of American Women Writers) Conference
Abstract deadline: October 10, 2005
Conference: November 8-11, 2006 in Philadelphia

This proposed session for the 2006 SSAWW conference will focus on the
novels of Rebecca Rush (KELROY, 1812) and her contemporaries (Hannah
Webster Foster, Susanna Rowson, Tabitha Tenney, and others). Scholars from
various disciplines are invited to submit 250-500 word abstracts and
brief CVs. Please send email submissions to Ann Beebe at the University
of Texas at Tyler. (

Ann Beebe, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Literature and Languages
University of Texas at Tyler
3900 University Blvd.
Tyler, TX 75799
(903) 565-5827

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Received on Fri Jun 10 2005 - 01:34:36 EDT
