CFP: Fishing the Angles: New Writing about Fly Fishing (10/10/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Lowell Mick White
contact email: 

Fishing the Angles: New Writing about Fly Fishing (10/10/2005;
As fly fishing drifts downstream into the 21st century, anglers are
faced with overcrowded streams and lakes, declining water quality, and
political and cultural marginalization. In spite of this, we fish.
Why? What do we get out if it? This proposed collection, *Fishing the
Angles: New Writing about Fly Fishing*, is looking for works that
capture the meaning and magic(or the lack of meaning and magic) of fly
fishing, works that explore, transgress, and subvert this most literary
of "Outdoor Sports." Tell us-show us-what fly fishing means and how it
*Fishing the Angles* seeks: Critical Essays, Memoir, Creative
Non-fiction, Fiction, and Poetry. Prose works should be less than 5000
words. Email submissions are preferred, as attachments in .rft format
or pasted into the body of the email.
Send submissions to:
Purists can mail hardcopies of their work to:
Lowell Mick White
Department of English
MS 4227
Texas A&M University
College Station, Texas 77843-4227
Please include a brief bio with your submission.
Submission deadline is October 10, 2005.
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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jun 14 2005 - 15:51:19 EDT