CFP: Jay Wright (11/30/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Obsidian Journal

Obsidian III is pleased to announce a special issue to celebrate the
work of poet and playwright Jay Wright.

The publication of Wright's Transfigurations: Collected Poems in 2000
makes possible a celebration and an assessment of Wright's ongoing
achievement as a poet. The special issue will also explore Wright's
work as a playwright. Therefore, we invite scholarly, previously
unpublished essays on any aspects of Wright's work. We are open to
creative work and essays that engage with any of the following, or with
other aspects of Wright's work:

Wright's spiritual vision; poetic style and evolution; gender and race
issues; use of African, Native American and Christian mythopoeia;
historical and geographical issues; identity; the intersection of the
imaginative, the historical, the religious and the literary; voice; memory,
history, and narrative; boundaries: private versus public;
transformations and transfigurations.

See website for submission guidelines:
Or email us at:

Deadline: Extended to November 30, 2005

Obsidian III
Department of English, Box 8105
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8105

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Received on Tue Jun 14 2005 - 15:52:21 EDT