CFP: Cartographies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Languages and Literature (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Joe Pestino
contact email: 

Call for Papers for New York College English Association (NYCEA)
sponsored Panels at the 2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference
San Antonio, Texas--April 6--April 8, 2006

You are invited to submit paper proposals for NYCEA sponsored panels at
the College English Association (CEA) Conference to be held in San
Antonio, Texas. CEA is the national, parent organization of the NYCEA
and other regional CEA affiliates.

We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, or new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Cartographies: Interdisciplinary Approaches
to Language and Literature"

We also welcome full panel proposals fitting the above panel topic.

It is our desire to be able to field at CEA a number of panels on the
above NYCEA conference theme; it is our intent to create a subset of
scholarly communities, arising out of the NYCEA affiliate, within the
larger CEA conference community.

CEA is a wonderful organization and its conference has always celebrated
scholarly activity in many forms: papers on traditional literary
criticism, on writing theory, and on writing and literary teaching
pedagogies as they relate to the conference themes.

For each NYCEA sponsored panel, there will be three to four papers;
papers must be no more than 15 minutes in reading length.

The submission requirements are as follow:

1) Proposals of 500 words for the NYCEA-sponsored-CEA panels on
"Cartographies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature"
the contact information below.

2) Notification of acceptance by the NYCEA will be made soon after the
15 October deadline. The proposed NYCEA panels will then be submitted to
CEA by its deadline of 1 November 2005. Submitters will then be notified
of CEA's acceptance of the panels by 5 December 2005.

3) All presenters must be paid (U. S. currency) members of CEA by 1
January 2006.***

Proposal submissions for NYCEA-sponsored-CEA panel formats must include:

1) Phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and mailing address;
2) Your name & affiliation as you want it to appear in the conference
3) A description of content and method, with attention to how the topic
addresses the "Cartographies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language
and Literature" theme and focus of the panel.
4) Title of the paper as you would want it to appear in the conference
5) A-V equipment needs, if any.
6) Special needs, if any.

All presenters please note:

1) CEA Membership is required (conference registration material will
arrive later in January, BUT CEA membership must be paid by January 1,
2) Only one paper proposal per person for one panel will be accepted.
3) Participants must present their accepted paper (others cannot attend
for you and present your paper)
3) Neither NYCEA nor CEA can fund travel or participant costs.

Send proposals by Oct. 15 to:

Lauren De La Vars, NYCEA-CEA Panel Coordinator
P. O, Box 15
Department of English
St. Bonaventure University
St. Bonaventure, NY 14778-0015
PHONE: (716) 375-2459
FAX: (716) 375-7665

[If, in the future, you might be interested in organizing a regular,
ongoing panel or panels at CEA as a way of insuring a regular national
venue for those doing scholarly work on any of the "Cartographies:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language and Literature" theme, please
feel free to email me separately about your interest.]

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Jun 20 2005 - 10:47:00 EDT
