CFP: Media Studies Interest Group (9/15/05; CSCA, 4/5/06-4/9/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Michaela D.E. Meyer
contact email: 

2006 Central States Communication Association
April 5 – 9, 2006, Indianapolis, Indiana

The Media Studies Interest Group invites submissions
of competitive papers and thematic panels on all
aspects of media studies, including mass
communication, media technology, media and culture,
and other studies of media and mass communication for
the 2006 Central States Communication Association
Convention. In addition, we are soliciting original
video submissions for screening at the convention.

This convention marks the 75th anniversary of CSCA,
and thus, the conference theme will be "The Diamond
Jubilee: Celebrating the Past While Shaping the
Future." Given the scope of the convention theme, the
MSIG invites submissions that critically analyze our
past and discuss the future of scholarship in our
discipline. The planner particularly invites
submissions that address a "celebration" of
communication, and encourages pairings between
seasoned scholars and mentors in the field with young
scholars and/or graduate/undergraduate students.
Panels or papers that specifically tie to the locale
of the convention are also highly desirable.
Competitive essays may address any aspect of media
studies – all theoretical and methodological
approaches are invited.

The Media Studies Interest Group presents three awards
annually. The Samuel L. Becker Award is given for the
top graduate student paper. The Becker Award includes
an individual certificate, a cash award, and a
traveling plaque that is housed at the recipient's
graduate institution for the year. At the annual
business meeting, the Media Studies Interest Group
also presents awards for top faculty paper and top
undergraduate student paper.

For Competitive Paper Submissions: Submit 5 hard
copies without title pages and one electronic copy
with title page (preferably in Microsoft Word) on CD
ROM. In addition, all submissions must include ONE
hard copy of the master title page containing the
following information: 1) Author's name and
position/title, 2) Institutional Affiliation, 3)
Complete Mailing Address, 4) Email and Phone Number,
5) Indication of CSCA Member Status (U for
undergraduate student; G for graduate student; F for
faculty; or N for non-member), and 6) Indication of
whether or not the Submission is a Debut Paper.

For Competitive Panel Submissions: Submit 5 hard
copies and one electronic copy (preferably in
Microsoft Word) on CD ROM. In addition, all
submissions must include ONE master title page that
contains the following information for ALL
participants: 1) Name and Position/Title, 2)
Institutional Affiliation, 3) Complete Mailing
Address, 4) Email and Phone Number, 5) Indication of
CSCA Member Status (U for undergraduate student; G for
graduate student; F for faculty; or N for non-member).
All panel submissions should include a 250 word
justification/rationale for the program, no more than
100 word abstracts for each paper/discussion, and any
requests for special consideration (technology,
timing, etc.).

For Original Media Submissions: Submit 5 VHS or DVD
copies of the work. Videos may be documentary,
artistic, educational, or entertainment so long as the
core content of the piece engages communication
issues. In addition, all submissions must include ONE
master title page that contains the following
information: 1) Name and Position/Title of
Submitter/Creator, 2) Institutional Affiliation, 3)
Complete Mailing Address, 4) Email and Phone Number,
5) Indication of CSCA Member Status (U for
undergraduate student; G for graduate student; F for
faculty; or N for non-member). All video submissions
should include a 250 word justification/rationale
explaining how the work engages communication issues.

Please direct all papers, panel proposals, and
inquiries to:
Dr. Michaela D. E. Meyer, Chair CSCA MSIG
Department of Communication Studies
Christopher Newport University
336 Business & Technology Center
Newport News, VA 23606
(757) 594-7495
15TH, 2005
You MUST include a request for technology at the end
of the title page if you should need it on all proposals.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Jun 23 2005 - 16:35:36 EDT
