CFP: Understanding Waste (7/22/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Nate Eastman
contact email: 


VERB, a new publication of the Humanities Center at Lehigh University,
is currently seeking short (< 3000 word) essays, articles, and creative
pieces on the subject of "waste," broadly defined. Potential topics

        * Conspicuous consumption (including branding, planned obsolescence,
prestige economies, etc.,)

        * Approaches to the abject (including cross-cultural attitudes to
abject material, such as garbage or sewage, as well as exclusionary
practices related to abject objects, groups, or individuals).

        * Leisure (including readings of activities or programs conventionally
understood as wasteful).

        * The consequences of waste (including the environmental, social, and
psychological costs of wasted resources, time, and people).

        * Remedies for waste (including current or potential approaches for
reducing, recycling, or otherwise "making useful" things conventionally
understood as waste or wasted).

        * Reclaiming of waste (including fine arts approaches such as found
object sculpture or found poetry, as well as politically or culturally
motivated activities such as adbusting).

        * Representations of waste (including, but not limited to, those in
American popular media).

Discussions of any aspect of "waste," however, are welcome -- our goal
is in part a demonstration of the term's multivalence and extensive

The deadline for submissions is July 22nd, 2005. Completed pieces,
works in progress, ideas, and questions can be emailed to (subject line: VERB) or sent to:

        VERB, c/o Nate Eastman
        English Dept., Drown Hall, Lehigh University
        35 Sayre Drive,
        Bethlehem, PA 18015.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Jun 23 2005 - 16:34:42 EDT