CFP: Nebula Special Call: Documentary Genre; Pandemic World Problems (ongoing; e-journal)
Below you will find information for Nebula's Special Call
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1. In recent years we have seen what is veritably an
explosion of productions in the political documentary
genre. Documentaries such as McLible, Supersize Me and The
Corporation have attempted to increase social awareness of
corporations' unethical conduct. Other documentaries such
as Fahrenheitt 911, Outfoxed, The World According to Bush,
and many others (such as the latest release, Truth, Lies &
Intelligence) have focused closely on the unethical conduct
of the right wing Christian West and various forms of
propaganda involved in sustaining war in the Middle East.
Documentaries such as Jenin, Jenin, Gaza Strip, Peace
Propaganda and the Promised Land and the upcoming Paradise
Behind Bars (see Najwa Saad's article in Nebula 2.1) are
shedding much needed light on what has been, until very
recently, an extremely one-sided affair in western media -
the Palestinian/Israeli conflict, of course. Documentaries
such as I Exist and Dangerous Living are the first of their
kind, bringing the persecution of gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgendered minority groups in the Middle East to the
public front, for the first time.
These documentaries are not only valuable in the humanist
insight they provide but also in the evidence-based approach
they undertake. Nebula is looking for reviewers who will
engage thoroughly and thoughtfully with the material
abovementioned, whether focusing on one documentary or
several in one group, we are looking for articles and
reviews which discuss the relevance of these insightful
documentaries in a world which does not seem to prize facts
too greatly.
2.Some Pandemic World Problems Have Viable Solutions.
Poverty and Starvation
Third World Worker Exploitation
Third World Epidemics
Excess Pollution
Unethical Globalisation
All Military Conquests
Nebula is dedicated to the humanist search for a better and
more equitable world. Viable solutions to major world
problems exist and these can be implemented, regardless of
cynicism or the pseudo-Darwinian rhetoric of those who
benefit from imbalances of power. Nebula is aiming to
provide a world-wide forum for intellectuals, tradespeople,
scientists, mathematicians, builders, artists, visionaries,
inventors, capitalists etc. to explore issues of global
importance. We hope to provide a gravitational centre for
contributors who share a common desire to kerb anti-humanist
forces in the world and to reduce their extensive and
pandemic effect on the institutionally powerless.
We invite contributions that are genuinely engaged (beyond
political partisanship) in the problem of human-induced,
world-scale catastrophes and atrocities. We encourage
logical and sound argumentation. We are looking for
practical solutions beyond simple propagandism. We might
begin here by being heavily theoretical, in the hope that
whatever we build in terms of insights and resolutions will
be of benefit to current and future generations.
To learn more about the journal, its academic standards,
submission procedures and expectations from contributors
please visit the website at and
visit our JOURNAL FORMAT and CURRENT CFP pages. Please
email your enquiries to
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Jun 28 2005 - 12:45:36 EDT