CFP: Forms and Antiforms in European Contemporary Poetry (9/1/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Ana Pano
contact email: 

RiLUnE - Revue of Literatures of the European Union
Papers are being accepted for the second issue on "Forms and antiforms in European contemporary poetry".
Texts shall be MS Word-compatible (in case a different word-processor is employed, the text shall be saved in a compatible format) and shall be about 30.000 characters long (spaces and notes included). Articles are accepted in any of the following languages of the European Union: French, German, English, Italian and Spanish. Every article shall be accompanied by an abstract in English or French (750 characters (spaces included). The affiliation which authors wishes to have under their names shall be indicated at the end of the article, in brackets, next to the name of the author.
Please email your paper to no later than September 1st 2005
See or look on the RilUnE web page at for specific topics and other information.
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jul 03 2005 - 14:00:17 EDT