CFP: Bad Subjects –– Sex Politics Issue (10/15/05; e–journal issue)
Call for Papers - Sex Politics
How do contemporary states express sexual preferences and regulate the sexualities of their citizen-subjects? How do corporations both market sex and participate in public sex politics? How do sexual identities define labor and media economies?
The Sex Politics issue (#75) of Bad Subjects will cross-examine the sex of politics and the politics of sex. As global neo-conservative and fundamentalist religious politics seek to universalize themselves, they have advocated masculine heterosexuality, male supremacist labor regimes, and the reinforcement of 'traditional' gender roles. Gendering of the public sphere gains expression through a variety of political phenomena. These include state violence against vulnerable populations and bodies; political movements to extend state control of reproduction and de-legitimatize women's right to control their bodies; religio-political alliances to support 'chastity education' and repressive social governance of sexual expression; and the exclusion and oppression of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.
The issue will also be interested in first-person and autobiographical accounts of how dominant sex politics shape our own lives, and stories of achieving social self-determination. Essays from international contributors describing the cultural varieties of sex politics will be of particular interest.
The deadline for foreplay and essay submissions is October 15, 2005. Essay length of 2000-3000 words recommended; accessible language preferred. Send essays as Word documents to issue editor Joe Lockard (
Bad Subjects, established in 1991, publishes "political education for everyday life" and has approximately 6,000 readers daily. Its URL is <>
Joe Lockard
Assistant Professor
209 Durham Languages and Literatures Bldg.
English Department
POB 870302
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0302
Tel: (480) 727-6096
Fax: (480) 965-3451
Antislavery Literature Project
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Jul 08 2005 - 10:25:40 EDT