CFP: Literary Studies in Open and Distance Learning (Greece) (10/30/05; 4/7/06-4/9/06)

full name / name of organization: 
takis kayalis
contact email: 



Ierapetra, Greece, 7-9 April 2006

The research team openLit (,
which operates under the auspices of the School of
Humanities, The Hellenic Open University, is pleased
to announce an International Conference on
“Literary Studies in Open and Distance Learning
University Programs”.

This conference aims to foster dialogue among
literature scholars from Open and Distance Learning
(ODL) Universities and Programs around the world, and
will focus on the particularities of literary studies
in ODL, as they are reflected in curriculum building,
educational methods and processes, and especially the
planning, writing and evaluation of educational
material (printed, electronic and audiovisual). Papers
are expected to address their topic from a critical
viewpoint, rather than offer presentations of
educational material or processes. Among the issues
which are expected to be raised at the conference are
the following:

* Comparison of literary studies programs in different
ODL systems
* Making sense of literary texts in ODL
* Uses of hypertext and other digital tools in ODL
literary studies
* Literary theory and ODL practices
* ODL programs and literary canons
* Books and study guides for ODL literary studies
* Electronic and audiovisual material for ODL literary
* Resources for ODL concerning particular themes,
genres, or periods

The conference is open to both traditional and virtual
ODL methods and will be held entirely in English.
Extended versions of selected conference papers are
expected to be published as a volume of essays
(initially in CD-Rom format and subsequently in

The conference will be held in the city of Ierapetra,
in southern Crete, from 7-9 April, 2006, and is
sponsored by the Municipality of Ierapetra.

Abstracts of around 250 words of papers not lasting
longer than twenty minutes in delivery should reach
the organisers by October 30, 2005. All submissions
will be reviewed anonymously by members of the
conference academic committee and authors will be
notified by December 15, 2005. Please visit the
conference webpage at for
further details and announcements. We are happy to
accept enquiries and abstracts via email to
There will be no fee for participation or attendance
at the conference.

Conference Academic Committee:

Takis Kayalis (The Hellenic Open University), chair
Laura Borràs Castanyer (Universitat Oberta de
Bob Owens (The Open University, UK)
Evripidis Garantoudis (The University of Athens)
Dimitris Kargiotis (Université Marc Bloch)
Antonis Lionarakis (The Hellenic Open University)
Anastasia Natsina (The Hellenic Open University)

The conference is organised under the auspices of the
School of Humanities, The Hellenic Open University, in
cooperation with:

HERMENEIA: Literary Studies and Digital Technologies

The Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education

Information on the city of Ierapetra and its
surroundings is available on the web at

Received on Fri Jul 08 2005 - 10:25:48 EDT
