CFP: Teaching Medieval Studies in a Two-Year College (9/15/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5/7/06)
Call for Papers
41st International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
May 4-7, 2006
While many disciplines within Medieval Studies are well-represented at
major conferences, often the voice of the two-year college instructor is
not emphasized. Although it is usually not intentional, two-year
colleges are often left out of the equation when discussing serious
scholarship, especially in the field of Medieval Studies. In this
session we will discuss both how much more is possible now in two-year
colleges (since the job market collapse has led so many who might not
otherwise have considered such positions to pursue them) and how we
teach medieval subjects in the context of less specific curricula (such
as a Liberal Arts major rather than Religion, History, or English).
This session might best work as a roundtable, but full-length proposals
are also welcome. Please send abstracts by September 15th to
Susannah Chewning
Department of English
Union County College
1033 Springfield Avenue
Cranford, NJ 07016
For more information on the congress please visit their website at
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or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Fri Jul 08 2005 - 10:26:52 EDT