CFP: Approaches to Teaching August Wilson (8/31/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Sandra Shannon
contact email: 

CFP: Approaches to Teaching August Wilson (8/31/05; collection)

The Modern Language Association's Book Publishing Program seeks =
proposals for essays for publication in the upcoming collection =
Approaches to Teaching August Wilson, to be edited by Howard University =
professor Sandra G. Shannon. August Wilson's plays have become familiar =
items on reading lists, syllabi, and exams in high school and college =
curricula. Already an ever increasing number of anthologies and various =
multi-media teaching resources on his plays exist, thus facilitating the =
continued presentation of one or more of his dramatic works in =
classrooms across America and beyond. To that end, this collection =
seeks to make available for teachers of English, drama, history, =
African American literature, for example, a wide range of helpful =
resources on August Wilson's now completed ten-play cycle. Approaches =
to Teaching August Wilson will feature a sampling of proven teaching =
strategies along with a supply of classroom-friendly approaches to =
engaging students about one of America's most influential writers. =20

If you are interested in contributing to Approaches to Teaching August =
Wilson, please complete the attached survey sponsored by the Modern =
Language Association on or before August 31, 2005 in order to meet MLA =
editors' deadline. Along with the survey, please include a brief =
proposal detailing your focus.=20

Send all responses and/or inquiries to=20


Dr. Sandra G. Shannon,
Editor, Approaches to Teaching August Wilson
Department of English
Howard University,=20
Washington, DC 20059
202-806-5443 (Office #)
202-806-6708 (FAX #)

Approaches to Teaching August Wilson
Edited by Sandra G. Shannon

Name ____________________________ =20
Department ___________________________
School ____________________________=20
Phone ______________ Email ____________

Please feel free to use additional sheets for your answers to these=20
questions. We would be grateful to receive supplementary materials=20
(course descriptions, syllabi, bibliographies, and study materials,=20
including assignments). You may send responses only, with=20
corresponding numbers, to the e-mail address above. In the published=20
volume we will acknowledge all respondents. Thank you very much for=20
your help.

1. What plays by August Wilson do you teach most often and why?

2. Please describe the course in which you teach August Wilson's=20
plays and indicate the academic level of students in the course.=20

3. What type of primary resource material (interviews, essays,=20
speeches) do you consult as you prepare lesson plans for teaching=20
August Wilson's plays?

4. What type of secondary resource material (critical essays, books,=20
documentary videos, reviews, internet websites, etc.) do you consult=20
as you prepare lesson plans for teaching August Wilson's plays?

5. What do you consider to be the most important features of August=20
Wilson's plays?

6. What critical approaches or methodologies have you found most=20
helpful or stimulating in teaching August Wilson's plays? =20

7. What kinds of assignments (group, oral, written, library=20
research) do you find most useful while teaching August Wilson's=20
plays? Have any proven particularly successful? Unsuccessful?

8. Do you find the race of the teacher or the racial make-up of the=20
class to be factors in teaching August Wilson? If so, how do you=20
negotiate it?

9. Do you find it more useful to teach August Wilson's plays on
play-by-play basis or as interrelated components to his larger 10-
play agenda? Explain.

10. Have you taught any of August Wilson's plays within a=20
thematically designed course (e.g., The American Family or The Great=20
Migration in Literature). Please identify the play and explain how=20
you present it as part of the course design.=20

11. Do you include aspects of performance in your approach to=20
teaching August Wilson's plays? What sorts of techniques do you

12. Do your students have the opportunity to see live performances=20
of any of Wilson's plays? If so, how do you convert their
experience into teaching opportunities?=20

13. What is your approach to discussing the language in August=20
Wilson's plays?

14. What is the relationship, if any between your own scholarly work=20
on August Wilson and your teaching, and how do you exploit this=20

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Received on Wed Jul 13 2005 - 07:39:44 EDT