CFP: Cartography and Nation in the Long 18th Century (9/15/05; ASECS, 3/30/06-4/2/06)
This panel will explore connections between mapping, cartographic =
discourse, and the production of British national identity during the =
long eighteenth century. A substantial and useful body of work in this =
area is available within Renaissance studies, initiated, in large =
measure, by Richard Helgerson's now seminal Forms of Nationhood. =
According to Helgerson, the production of the national body is =
dependent, to an extent, on cartographic representation in that it =
allows both commoner and courtesan to visualize the nation spatially =
and, more importantly, to imaginatively project a space in which they =
may realize themselves as subjects of the nation. However, does this =
formulation hold as we move into the eighteenth-century where the =
political and cultural status of the map has changed in order to meet =
new and varied demands? How, for example, can maps continue to promote =
and make possible a sense of national belonging given the myriad =
conflicts and tensions resulting from England's imperial ambitions both =
at home and abroad?=20
Papers may address any aspect of cartography and British nationalism, =
including their relationship to colonization, travel and tourism, =
literary geography, military conquest, property law, estate planning and =
improvement, urbanization, enclosure, and demography, among others.=20
Please send a one to two page proposal by September 15th to Prof. Adam =
Sills at
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Received on Wed Jul 13 2005 - 07:38:50 EDT