CFP: Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies (9/30/05; journal issue)
LIMINA: a journal of historical and cultural studies
Call for Papers, Volume 12
Submissions Deadline 30 September 2005
Limina is a refereed academic journal of historical and cultural studies
based in the Discipline of History at The University of Western Australia.
The journal operates with a special commitment to publishing the work of
research postgraduates and emerging scholars, and encourages creative
Limina provides a lively environment in which diverse work can be published.
The journal promotes resistance to traditional disciplinary boundaries,
and at the same time demands a rigorous approach to issues of research,
context and theoretical debates.
Limina is an electronic journal. We believe that this format provides a
dynamic forum for the exchange of intellectual and cultural ideas.
Articles of approximately 5000 words in length (NOT significantly longer) on
subjects from any Humanities discipline can be submitted for consideration.
They must demonstrate original research and must be substantially different
from other published work. Manuscripts must not be under consideration for
publication elsewhere.
Please ensure that your submission conforms to the Limina style guide;
consult for further details.
Articles (in MS Word or RTF format) or enquiries by email:
Stacey Fox
Doctoral Candidate
English, Communication and Cultural Studies
University of Western Australia
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Jul 13 2005 - 07:38:41 EDT