UPDATE: antiTHESIS: The Event, Culture and Contingency (8/11/05; journal issue)
antiTHESIS vol 16 (2006),
Call for Papers
Following the success of our recent annual postgraduate symposium, The
Event, Culture and Contingency, the antiTHESIS editorial collective
would like to re-issue the current CFP to remind all those intending to
contribute to the next edition that submissions close on Friday, 11
antiTHESIS volume 16 (2006), "in the event …"
Truth happens to an idea. It becomes true, is made true by events.
Its verity is in fact an event, a process: the process namely of its
verifying itself, its veri-fication. – William James
Integral to understanding changes in both ourselves and our world, 'the
event' is a concept attracting increased critical attention. Described
as "a difference that makes a difference", an event "may happen, or be
manufactured, affect us and be effected by us," and thus emerges from
the impossible cusp between contingency and necessity. We invite
papers that consider both what constitutes 'an event', and how
different events have been, are, and might possibly be, constituted and
Responses may examine this theme in the context of any discipline, and
may be critical or creative in nature – this includes essays, fiction,
poetry, and fictocriticism, as well as photographs and other visual
pieces. The following topics represent possible interpretations of the
theme, and are meant to motivate, not limit, your thinking:
We invite theoretical or creative contributions on the following
- The constitution of events as history
- The creation of events in disparate revolutionary movements
- Hype, spectacle and the production of pseudo-events
- The shocking, the scandalous, the terrible and the sublime
- Disappointment and non-events
- Banality, boredom, the eventless and the routine
- Events that escape unnoticed and unremarked upon
- Counterfactual interpretations and missed possibilities
- Peripheral or marginalised events
- Messianism, Millenarianism and the Apocalypse
- Complexity, contingency, causality, creativity
- Risk and intervention
- Anticipation, expectation, hindsight and memory
- Cinematic or literary rendition of events
- Experience and the production of communities: local, national
or transnational
- Events at distance: physical, temporal or
- Response, responsibility and mediation
Papers must be of no more than 6'000 words in length with endnote
citations conforming to the 14th edition of the Chicago Style Guide.
All submissions must consist of a Microsoft Word document attached to
an e-mail.
Visual pieces, including original cover art designed for a 150mm x
210mm space, are also welcome. Preliminary submissions may be made via
e-mail and must include a 72- or 75dpi jpeg image, the title of the
work, and the artist's contact information. Upon selection, we will
require a print-quality image on CD or PC formatted disk and a signed
letter or release form giving permission for its use by antiTHESIS.
Papers and visual pieces submitted to the journal must be received by
Friday, 11 August 2005.
Please note that although they share a single theme, the symposium and
the journal are separate entities with different deadlines and
submission requirements. You must make separate submissions to be
eligible for both. While we strongly encourage contributors to
participate in our annual symposium, your attendance in no way
influences the selection process for publication in the journal.
Please address queries and submissions to:
Department of English with Cultural Studies
University of Melbourne
Benjamin Smith
antiTHESIS editorial committee
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Wed Jul 13 2005 - 07:38:33 EDT