CFP: Ernest Hemingway and the Geography of Memory (9/15/05; collection)
Hemingway Society member Mark Ott is seeking innovative and challenging
addressing the topic of "Ernest Hemingway and the Geography of Memory" for a
book he is interested in editing.
Michigan, Italy, Spain, Paris, Africa, Key West and Bimini are some of the
distinctive places in the Hemingway oeuvre; in short fiction, novels,
journalism and correspondence, Hemingway revisited these sites, re-imagining
and transforming them into texts such as _In Our Time_, _A Farewell to
Arms_, _The Sun Also Rises_, _Green Hills of Africa_, _To Have and Have
Not_, _A Moveable Feast_ and _Islands in the Stream_. For this volume, I am
seeking essays that explore how Hemingway used the lens of memory to reshape
and transform seascape, landscape, events and people. The past was always
Hemingway's imaginative fuel; this proposed volume welcomes a variety of
approaches and premises shedding new light on Hemingway's complex,
idealized, and romanticized uses of his memory.
Please send a hard copy of your completed 15-20 pp. essay (along with a
disk) to:
Dr. Mark Ott, Department of English, Punahou School,1601 Punahou Street,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 by September 15, 2005. Email submissions may be sent
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jul 17 2005 - 16:04:52 EDT