CFP: Conformism & Non-Conformism in US Women's Literature (Cyprus) (9/1/05; 4/7/06-4/10/06)

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European Association for American Studies Biennial Conference, April 7-10,
2006, Nicosia, Cyprus): "Conformism, Non-conformism, and Anti-conformism in
the Culture of the United States"

Workshop 7: "Conformism & Non-Conformism in US women's literature in the 19th
and 20th centuries"
Feminism is a non-conformist phenomenon, but its realization in literature
varies from radical rejection of traditional norms to consideration of the
woman's possible gains and losses in her search for identity and self-
realization. Speakers are invited to examine the values proclaimed by women's
literature and those established by society, and interpret the texts from the
perspective of their relation to conservative or non-conformist thinking. We
also seek to investigate the concept of female authorship in the 19th century
with relation to conformism/nonconformism: the position of women authors
within the extant system of gender relations as perceived by themselves and
their (male) critics; the notion of "poetess," (self-)portraits of women
authors; and women poets' treatment of language.

Papers should not exceed 20 minutes. All speakers must be members of their
national Association for American Studies, if there exists one in thei
country. Speakers from the USA, Canada, Israel and Japan must be members of
thei respective American Studies Associations.

Please send 200-word abstracts to Tatiana Komarovskaya and
Magdalena Zapedowska by September 1, 2005.

For more information about the conference, go to:

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jul 24 2005 - 16:34:40 EDT