CFP: Monsters & Villains (12/15/05; journal issue)
CRATE, in association with the M.F.A. program at the University of
California, Riverside, is pleased to announce the call for submissions
for its 2006 issue.
While CRATE is interested in writing that reflects upon the interests
and diverse communities of Southern California, especially the
Riverside County/Inland Empire region, we are open to work from all
over the world with the main criteron being excellence.
CRATE is printed annually in the spring and typically runs 750 copies
of 160 pages in a perfect bound digest. In addition to poetry, prose,
and non-fiction, CRATE also features the work of local visual artists
and photographers.
The theme of the 2006 issue will be Monsters & Villains. We invite
writers to approach this theme from a wide variety of directions. We
especially encourage submissions that seek to cross genre borders and
We will be accepting submissions of poetry, fiction, creative
nonfiction, and playwriting as well as critical essays and reviews.
Submissions should include a cover letter which states the titles of
all works submitted as well as a SASE for notification. We use a
double blind selection process and will not be responsible for work
sent without a SASE. We do accept simultaneous submissions but
request that it be noted in your cover letter. Please include your
email address in your contact information.
For more detailed submission guidelines and a glimpse of our inaugural
issue, we invite you to visit our website at
Send submissions to:
CRATE Journal
UC Riverside
Department of Creative Writing
1607 HMNSS
Riverside, CA 92521
Neil Aitken,
Co-Editor-in-Chief, CRATE Journal,
University of California, Riverside
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Jul 24 2005 - 16:36:36 EDT