CFP: Media Studies and Recent Developments in Critical Theory (8/15/05; SCMS, 3/2/06-3/5/06)

full name / name of organization: 
richard cante
contact email: 

Seeking abstracts for panel(s) to be proposed for the Society for Cinema
and Media Studies Conference (Vancouver, BC, March 2-5 2006) on the
topic "Media Studies and Recent Developments in Critical Theory."

Deadline for receipt of proposals: August 15th 2005.

Please send paper proposal and brief bio by email to Rich Cante,
Assistant Professor of Media and Cultural Studies, The Univeristy of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. ""

All interesting proposals are welcome--whatever media, concepts, or
"methods" they deal with.

Especially interested in the dilemmas facing "media studies" in the wake
-recent turns in ethics (post-*Specters of Marx* Derrida, Badiou,
Foucault's last works, etc.);
-recent turns in aesthetics (Ranciere, Agamben, Foucault's last works,
-the rampancy of vitalism;
-the whole humanism/anti-humanism thing;
-a new and different Hegel;
-a new and different hermeneutics (Heidegger, Ricouer, etc.);
-alternative visions of what "historicism" and "history" are;
-underlying (anti-)religious ideas and ideals (implicit or explicit
appeals to figures such as Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Freud; the new
light on Levinas; Jambet, etc.)
-very late Lacan (and his interpreters);
-reconsiderations of the theoretical gutter balls of 80s/90s U.S.
-re-invigorated interests in pragmatism;
-re-conceptualizations of the gender/sexuality/body nexus after Judith
-the seeming last nails in the coffin of theoretical populism (the
re-election of Bush?);
-and so on.

Proposals on any matters that seem important to finger and explicate
more carefully right now--or that seem bound to erupt "into media
studies" at some point in the future--are welcome.

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Received on Fri Jul 29 2005 - 08:41:26 EDT