UPDATE: LITERA, Journal of Western Literature(s) (12/30/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
LITERA Istanbul
contact email: 

Call for Journal Submissions

LITERA: Journal of Western Literature(s)

LITERA, the bilingual journal of the Department of
Western Languages and Literatures of the Faculty of
Letters at Istanbul University, Turkey, is a refereed
journal appearing biannually. The journal publishes
scholarly articles that examine textual, visual, and
other media, which bear links with literary and
cultural studies.

For the 19th issue to appear in June, 2006, we call
for articles in English or Turkish. You are invited to

submit your articles by December 30, 2005.

Submission guidelines:

Manuscripts should meet the following criteria:

1.) Include a cover letter and an abstract of maximum
250 words. The cover letter should include title, full

name, post and institution of the author.
2.) Manuscripts should be maximum 10.000 words in
length and consistent with the MLA style. The identity

of the author should not appear in any part of the
article (except for self-references in notes.)
3.) Authors must provide translations of quotations of

not originally in English.
4.) Send an electronic copy of each article (in MSWord

format) ONLY to literasubmissions_at_yahoo.com by
December 30, 2005. Articles sent to any other mailing
adress will be ignored.

Address questions to:
Ozden Sozalan, Submissions Editor.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Fri Jul 29 2005 - 08:39:02 EDT