CFP: American Dreams: Collection of Essays (9/1/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Ricardo Miguez
contact email: 

Dear Colleagues,

We are inviting submissions for a coming anthology in the field of US
Studies. The current collection welcomes contributions in the field of
U.S. Studies, more particularly, scholarly papers discussing the broad
theme of "American DreamS". Scholars are encouraged to submit essays
that deal with the topic of the collection in a broad variety of
perspectives at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Ideally, the
collection would bridge a gap that some U.S. Studies scholars
sometimes feel, i.e., the lack of an introductory, yet comprehensive,
single volume of essays covering the subtleties of a term, so
recurrent in our field, from various perspectives: U.S. and World
History, Political Sciences, Geopolitics, Media Studies, Literary
Studies, Philosophy, Psychology/ psychoanalysis, Pedagogy/ Education,
Gender/ Ethnicity Studies, among other possible related areas.

At this stage, I am collecting paper proposals for a tentative table
of contents. Scholars are invited to submit until Sept 01st a one page
abstract and a brief resume outlining their major degrees and
teaching/ research experiences. All submissions will be peer reviewed
and those accepted will be given at least two months to present the
full paper (ranging from 15- 20 double-spaced A4 sheets. Precise
guidelines will be available later). All submissions must be in

Please, forward this call for papers for those who may be interested.

All submissions should be e-mailed in the body of a message to: with a copy to (No attachments,

Thank you for your attention. For further information, please do not
hesitate to ask me.


             Prof. Ricardo Miguez
       Social Sciences Department
Naval Academy - Rio de Janeiro/ Brazil

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Aug 02 2005 - 12:21:02 EDT