CFP: Medieval Misericords: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry (9/15/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5/7/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Mica Gould
contact email: 

Misericords, the carvings on choir stalls in medieval and renaissance
cathedrals, range in subject from spiritual to epic to fabliaux. This
session will explore recent scholarship on medieval misericords, addressing
not only the literary sources for their imagery but the iconographic
complexities of individual scenes and complete programs. The organizers
seek scholars working on literary, liturgical, and art historical approaches
to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue about these objects. Subjects might
include the analysis of particular types of scenes and their sources, the
evolution of particular kinds of subjects, or the relation of misericords to
contemporary cycles of images. Papers examining the historiography of the
subject are also welcome. This is intended as a critically discursive and
wide-ranging session. Please submit abstracts by September 15, 2005 to
Abby McGehee or
2535 NE 45th Ave,
Portland, OR 97213
Mica Gould
English Department
500 Oval Drive
Purdue University
West Lafayette IN 47904

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Aug 02 2005 - 12:21:34 EDT
