CFP: Multilingualism and History of the English Language (9/15/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5/7/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Michael Matto
contact email: 

We are very pleased that the Society for the Study of the History of the English Language (SSHEL) will be sponsoring two sessions at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo next year (May 4-7, 2006).

1. Regular Session: "Multilingualism: Linguistic, Historical, Cultural, and Literary Approaches." This session aims to explore links between multilingualism, cultural practices, and social identities in medieval England. We invite papers that combine methods in linguistics or language studies with methods in literary theory or cultural studies in order to investigate multilingualism and its links to gender/sexuality, community or nation in medieval England.

2. Roundtable: "From Anglo-Saxon to Global Language: the History of the English Language as a Method of Outreach." This roundtable session will consider how English medievalists can use HEL as a bridge to reach out to institutions and groups of people outside the field: e.g. English faculty and graduate students working in modern or contemporary literature; departments and programs other than English; elementary- and secondary-school teachers; general audiences through mass media and the internet.

Please send abstracts and inquiries to the society's contact person:

Michael Matto
English Department
Adelphi University
One South Avenue
PO Box 701
Garden City, NY 11530-0701
phone: 516.877.3294
fax: 516.877.3293

Abstracts are due Sept 15 (submissions via email are welcome). Mike will then forward them to the respective organizers of each session: Mary Catherine Davidson (U Kansas) for the multilingualism session, and Hal Momma (NYU) for the outreach roundtable.

With best wishes,

Michael Matto
Adelphi University

Hal Momma
New York University

Michael Matto
Assistant Professor of English
Director of Writing Programs and the Writing Center
Adelphi University
One South Avenue
PO Box 701
Garden City, NY 11530-0701

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Received on Tue Aug 02 2005 - 12:20:26 EDT
