CFP: Domestic Frontiers: Domestic Colonization (12/31/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Gayle Gullett
contact email: 

Gayle Gullett
Associate Professor
History Department
Arizona State University
PO Box 872501
Tempe, AZ 85287-4302
(480) 965-4787
fax (480) 965-0310

CFP: Domestic Frontiers: Domestic Colonization (12/31/05; journal issue)

A Special Issue of Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies

Guest editors

Victoria K Haskins (Flinders University of South Australia)
Margaret Jacobs (University of Nebraska)

Call for papers

In this special issue of Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, guest
editors Victoria Haskins and Margaret Jacobs consider 'the home' as both
site and archive of colonization. In domestic and intimate borderlands -
the worlds of the everyday and indeed the mundane that so often are
overlooked in the highly charged and male-oriented debates in the
histories of colonization - we look for the myriad ways in which women
experience, create and engage with the conditions of colonization. We
are interested in the private and personal experiences of
colonialization and the ways in which the broader colonial processes of
subjugation, accommodation and resistance intersect and are encapsulated
in the 'peculiar intimacy' (as Sara Suleri calls it) of domestic lives.

As Frontiers is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary journal, we
welcome submissions of creative works such as artwork, fiction and
poetry, as well as scholarly papers, addressing women's domestic lives
in colonization. Works must be original, and not published or under
consideration for publication elsewhere. We encourage those interested
in contributing to contact either or both of the guest editors at their
email address.

Submissions are to be sent to the Frontiers editorial collective as
email attachments, <> or <>, along with
three hard copies, addressed to Editors, Frontiers: A Journal of Women
Studies, Department of History, Arizona State University, P O Box
874302, Tempe, AZ 85287-4302. Phone: (480) 965-3876. Fax: (480)
965-0310. Author names should not appear on the manuscript; list contact
information separately.

Due date for receipt of papers is 31st December 2005.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Aug 09 2005 - 10:02:18 EDT