CFP: Musings: Resonating Places (10/10/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Michelle Williams, Paul Douglas

Sage of Consciousness E-zine
ISSN 1555-192X
An international online thematic ezine and journal created by a volunteer
group of writers and artists.

Volume 1, Issue 3
Theme: Musings: Resonating Places
Featured Writer: Janet Butler
Deadline for Submissions: October 10, 2005
Issue will post: November 10, 2005

This theme is designed around place-the sense of place, and the beauty of
place. Places that touch
us, inspire us, revive us, enlighten and delight us.
Ever went somewhere and felt you had been there before; even though your
feet had never met that soil,
that tile, that rock, that carpet, ever? Places that haunt and remind, damn
and redeem? Memories that often resonate within you throughout
your entire existence. That special place from childhood that only you
knew-nooked and crannied beyond anyone else's visibility.
That special place as you grow older that only you can appreciate-only you
see the beauty in a dilapidated bench.
Resonating places that have you musing and wondering-writing or snapping.
Perhaps even that mad painting as brushes fly
across canvass fondly caressing, creating that place in your own vision.
First and second issues posted to see an example of our magazine and works
we accept.

Submissions accepted year round. Submit to any theme that interests you.
Please specify theme in email if submitting to a theme other than the
current one.

Featured Artist positions available for most themes. Contact the editor,
Michelle Williams, to inquire.

Submission suggested rules for all themes and E-Zine issues:
1. Please submit written works in Microsoft Word.
2. Limit poetry submissions to six.
3. Limit Short fiction and Non-fiction to 6000 words.
4. Limit articles to 6000 words.
5. Limit of six photos per email.
6. Multi media works are welcome.
7. Rights are retained by the artists, but submitters give Sage of
Consciousness permission to display their work by submitting to Sage of
8. Please include a 100 word or less biography with submission.

Photographs of artists and writers will be posted with biography if you
choose to send one with submissions.

Email Submissions to:
We are a non-profit e-zine.

The editors, Jason Cline, Jennifer Calderon, Paul Douglas, Laura Ferguson,
Marie Poulos, and Michelle Williams

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Aug 09 2005 - 10:00:36 EDT