CFP: New Antigone: Gender, Kinship, Family (9/1/05; journal issue)

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kristin knight
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CFP: New Antigone: Gender, Kinship, Family (9/1/05; journal issue)

New Antigone ISSN 1832-7680 vol 1 October 2005 online and print
fully refereed journal is dedicated to J Butler's study, Antigone's
Claim: Kinship Between Life and Death (2000).

"In her act, she [Antigone] transgresses both gender and kinship
norms, and though the Hegelian tradition reads her fate as a sure sign
that this transgression is necessarily failed and fatal, another
reading is possible in which she exposes the socially contingent
character of kinship, only to become the repeated occasion in the
critical literature for a rewriting of that contingency as immutable
necessity." Judith Butler

The theme of the inaugural issue is: Gender, Kinship and Family –
Crossing Cultures and the submission deadline is extended until 1
September 2005.

Critical essays cutting across and between literary studies,
philosophy, science, media, anthropology, gender studies, media,
linguistics and more along with creative writing (fiction,
non-fiction, poetry, drama, new media) and artworks are invited.

Please note our Submission Guidelines (website
under For Authors) and that the journal focus is not exclusively on
postgraduate women research.

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Tue Aug 09 2005 - 10:00:10 EDT
