CFP: New Media, Networks and New Pedagogies: The Fibreculture Journal (10/14/05; journal issue)

full name / name of organization: 
Andrew Murphie
contact email: 

(please circulate =AD apologies for cross-posting)

Fibreculture Journal

Call for papers

New media, networks and new pedagogies (2006)

:: fibreculture :: has established itself as Australasia=B9s leading forum fo=
discussion of internet theory, culture, and research. The Fibreculture
Journal is a peer-reviewed journal that explores the issues and ideas of
concern and interest to both the Fibreculture network and wider social

Papers are invited for the =8CNew media, networks and new pedagogies=B9 issue o=
the Fibreculture Journal, to be published in early 2006. This issue will be
guest edited by Adrian Miles.

There are guidelines for the format and submission of contributions at

These guidelines need to be followed in all cases.


New media, networks and new pedagogies.

It is easy to argue that much of the rhetoric attached to =B3new media=B2 and
the internet in relation to pedagogy has mistaken quantity for quality. It
has been a conversation that has confused the qualitative changes that our
new conceptions of media, knowledge, and networks afford with the
quantitative changes beloved of those who confuse teaching and learning wit=
instruction and consumption. These new qualities are the differences betwee=
the vector and commodity, blogs and books.

However, imagine if our universities had been invented now. What would
pedagogy be? What form would teaching and learning take? What would count a=
knowledge? Expertise? What forms would this knowledge take?

Taking this as a departure this issue of the Fibreculture Journal invites
those working in new media, internet studies, education, and cognate
disciplines to discuss the strengths and celebrate the possibilities that
new media and its networks affords teaching and learning. The emphasis in
this issue is not on the criticism or description of existing models and
paradigms but to invite the exploration and celebration of new
possibilities, real or imagined. What new knowledge formations should there
be? How would they be taught? How could they assessed (if at all)? What
critical academic work, and in what forms, would our students be producing?

Submissions are welcomed in any relevant format, including essay, hypertext=
interactive time based media, projects, or imaginary annotated curricula.

Please send abstracts or enquiries to Guest Editor Adrian Miles
<> with "fibreEducation" as the subject header.
Alternative material (eg interviews, curricula, interactive work, podcasts)
are all able to be considered for publication and are welcomed.

Abstracts and proposals should no be no longer than 500 words and must
outline the relevance of the key ideas, methodology and format.

Abstracts due: October 14, 2005
Responses to authors: November 14th 2005
Final work due: February 6, 2005
"I thought I had reached port; but I seemed to be cast
back again into the open sea" (Deleuze and Guattari, after Leibniz)

Dr Andrew Murphie - Senior Lecturer
School of Media, Film and Theatre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,
Australia, 2052
fax:612 93856812 tlf:612 93855548 email:
room 311H, Webster Building
Executive Editor; the Fibreculture Journal

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Received on Tue Aug 09 2005 - 10:00:24 EDT