CFP: Continuum Handbook of Medieval British Literature (9/15/05; collection)
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Dear Colleagues,=20
I have been approached by Phil Tew (University College Northampton).and
Stephen Barfield (University of Westminster) to edit the Medieval =
Literature volume of a new Continuum series, emphasizing the teaching =
learning of Middle English literature. (An Anglo-Saxon volume is in the
planning stages). This is an excellent opportunity for younger scholars =
earn an entry on the CV, for more experienced scholars to synthesize =
some of
their scholarly and pedagogical work, and for those of us who focus on
teaching to showcase innovative and groundbreaking approaches to the
classroom challenges of teaching Middle English literature. Team-taught
courses are welcome as well as co-authored sections. I am especially
interested to include not only canonical authors (Chaucer, Pearl-poet,
medieval drama, Malory, Margery Kempe, Julian of Norwich) but a wide =
of other texts, especially those by and for women, that have been making
their way into the classroom in the last decade (hagiography, lyric,
courtesy and conduct literature, historical narratives and chronicles,
Lollard tracts) and other texts that straddle the literature-history =
The tentative publication date is early-2007.
In addition to the academic credit, there are payments for individual =
section editors/ writers of =A340 and =A3100 for the mapping critical =
person(s). The series editors also would like US, Canadian, British, and
other international scholars to be included. The handbooks follow an
established format (see below) and will make liberal use of visual =
quotations within fair dealing limits; tables and diagrams; time lines;
summaries for reflection (pause- reflect=96answer); glossaries; and so =
Please contact me if you would like more information, or if one of the
subject areas / entries strikes your fancy, please contact me (and =
attach a
CV) by 15 September 2005.
Best from Anchorage,=20
*From the Continuum Publishing Guide*
Structure and Format:
The series editors anticipate that the format should be as follows, and =
such a format will be required. This will be the responsibility of the
volume editor(s). All sections (which should be appropriately =
should relate to recent practice in research and teaching (see the
concluding appendix on pedagogy):
=95 Contents =96 expanded list which will make the section and =
sub-section clear
=95 Series Introduction. The thinking behind the series and how to use =
book [Kline - 1,000 words]
=95 Introduction: an overview of the period/ topic under discussion with =
extensive timeline (texts, historical events and other issues). This =
use sub-sections throughout. [Open - 10,000 words]=20
=95 Historical Context. [Open - 6,500 words] ** This will be broken down =
a series of sub-sections.
=95 Literary and Cultural Contexts: Major Figures, Institutions, Topics,
Events, Movements [Open - 8,500 words] ** This will consist of short,
encyclopaedia style entries arranged alphabetically.
=95 Case Studies in Reading I: Key Primary Literary Texts.
Referring to commonly taught primary texts and making use of quotations
within fair use parameters (800 words maximum from each individual =
no more than 300 consecutive words). These will provide a critical
commentary and explanatory annotations. These will emphasize to students
through exemplary fashion the skills of close reading while =
introducing a modern theoretical approach (cross referenced to other
sections). Throughout the aim will be to show students how best to =
with the primary material.** [Open - 10,000 words in 4-6 entries]
=95 Case Studies in Reading 2: Key Theoretical and Critical Texts.
4-5 synopses illustrating a range of important critical works written in =
last 25 years with quotations within fair use parameters (800 words =
from each individual source, no more than 300 consecutive words). The
accompanying critical commentary will show how to analyze the arguments =
encourage students to critically engage with them. The explanatory
annotations to any critical material will identify particular integral
terms. [Open - 10,000 words in 4-5 entries] **
=95 Key critics, concepts and topics. ** Arranged alphabetically with a
separate alphabetically arranged sub-section on major critics (this will
explain why they are key). [Open - 6,500]
=95 Changes in Critical Responses and Approaches arranged in =
(i.e. methodological changes especially in the last thirty years). [Open =
12,000 words] **
This section will summarize and explain the critical work often =
as informed by theoretical and critical approaches, which has =
contributed to
the development of the field (this is often very confusing for students =
tend to see theory as separate from critical practice). This would =
for example, the approaches of post-structuralists, new historicists,
feminists, queer theorists and psychoanalytic critics.
=95 Changes in the Canon. [Open - 6,500 words] **
What new authors and types of texts have become studied and taught in =
last thirty years and why has this occurred? How does canon reformation
relate to changes in critical approaches and theoretical insights. This =
be broken down into a series of sub-sections.
=95 Issues of Sexuality, Gender and Ethnicity. [Open - 9-10,000 words] =
Addressing sexuality, gender and race through a variety of critical
approaches is now common in literary and cultural studies and part of =
most exciting developments in the subject during the past quarter =
This section will explore how this has occurred and how it relates to
methodological and theoretical developments. This will be broken down =
into a
series of appropriate sub-sections.
=95 Mapping The Current Critical Landscape: [Open - 6,000 words]
A new keynote, critical essay written by a leading authority in the =
This essay will reflect on the location of the field or subject at =
(how have we got here?) and what is most significant in terms of recent
critical and scholarly developments. It will also speculate on current =
of research, the major questions still to be answered by scholarship and
indeed, any old questions that perhaps should be returned to. This
represents the most advanced section of the Handbook and offers the =
reader confirmation of their progression in skills and critical =
with the material. For the teacher updating their knowledge, it offers a
=91leading edge=92 account of where the subject is at present and where =
it might be going.
=95 Annotated Bibliography with short explanatory annotations for =
including those not already discussed (all the above sections are to be
cross-referenced both to each other and with the bibliography). To =
most useful and stable web sites, as well as useful electronic and media
resources. [Kline - 5,000 words]
=95 Appendix 1: Glossary of critical and theoretical terminology [Kline =
1,000 words]
=95 Appendix 2: Teaching, Curriculum and Leaning [Kline - 3,000-4,000 =
This will include material such as sample lesson plans, curriculum =
course outlines, useful essay questions, strategies for teaching key =
and topics all emphasizing a reflective and student centered approach. =
will be related by cross referencing to the sections above.
Also exemplary questions and discussion points in selected sections =
thus. **
[The above leaves 2-3,000 words to be distributed among these areas at =
discretion of the volume editor/s in consultation with the series=92 =
Dr. Daniel T. Kline
Associate Professor of English
U of Alaska Anchorage
3211 Providence Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
907-786-4364 |
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Received on Wed Aug 17 2005 - 06:03:27 EDT