CFP: Law, Literature, and Language (10/15/05; journal issue)
cfp: LAW, LITERATURE, AND LANGUAGE (10/15/05 proposals; 3/31/05 articles =
for journal issue)=20
European Journal of English Studies, Vol. 11, Issue 1 (Routledge)=20
"Law-and-Literature", "Law in Literature", "Law as Literature", =
"Language and Law", "Forensic Linguistics": over the last few decades, =
scholars in literary studies, in linguistics and communication studies, =
in sociolinguistic and cultural history, and in critical theory have =
been turning their attention to the discourses, practices and =
institutions of the law, past and present. At the same time, legal =
scholars have become aware of the textual and linguistic dimensions of =
their activities, finding in our disciplines both critical purchase and =
helpful instruments of analysis. Hitherto, however, studies of the =
relations between law and literature and law and language have tended to =
be conducted in distinct forums. The first purpose of this issue of EJES =
is thus to invite a dialogue between the two areas, by publishing =
original research on law, literature and/or language in Anglophone =
cultures from a variety of disciplinary and interdisciplinary points of =
The editors believe that the topic is of particular pertinence for this =
journal not only because it represents such a central disciplinary =
interface but also because of the cultural, as well as the theoretical =
and pragmatic, relevance of the law to Anglophone cultures. Driven =
hitherto primarily by Anglo-Saxon concerns and contexts, work on Law, =
Literature, and Language has often reflected the cultural politics of =
the law in the states where such research is most established, such as =
the USA, the UK and Australia. It is therefore of particular interest to =
open these fields to the perspectives of scholars working, eventually, =
in different legal (and literary/ linguistic) cultures. The emphasis =
will be on essays that invite dialogue between scholars with varied =
cultural contexts as well as disciplinary backgrounds, who are =
nonetheless all working under the broad umbrellas of =
"Law-and-Literature" or "Language and Law" and/or "Forensic =
Linguistics". =20
Proposals for articles of c. 6,000 words and enquiries regarding the =
issue should be sent by e-mail to:
Greta Olson (; =
Martin A. Kayman (
The deadline for proposals is 15 October 2005, with delivery of =
completed essays by 31 March 2006.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Wed Aug 17 2005 - 06:03:17 EDT