CFP: Janet Frame (12/1/05; collection)
Contributions are sought for a new collection of essays on Janet Frame.
"Frameworks: Contemporary Criticism on Janet Frame"
The general narrative of Frame as the marginalised visionary is long
established. Notoriously difficult to position, Frame's work has often
been regarded as the produce of an isolated genius. By foregrounding
the framework (both cultural and critical) for Frame's work, this
collection aims to redress the limitations of this romantic notion. We
are interested in charting alternate narratives of the content and
composition of her work across a range of genres - novels,
autobiographies, poetry, short fiction and non-fiction. Work on Frame's
poetry and non-fiction is particularly encouraged.
Articles should be between 5000-8000 words, of international standard,
and should reflect the writer's current work/thinking on Frame. A
theoretical focus is encouraged but not mandatory. Essays tracing
themes and/or critical concerns across a range of texts are preferred;
however, single-text essays will also be considered.
Submissions might relate to, but are not limited to:
Different phenomenologies of reading Frame's work
Current critical and cultural theories (postcolonial, feminist etc.)
Philosophical concerns within and without Frame's work (ontology, ethics
Frame - influences and source material
Abstracts of 500 words are requested by 1 December 2005, with
full-length manuscripts required by 1 December 2006.
Please forward enquiries and abstracts to: and
Please send abstracts in the body of emails rather than as attachments.
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Aug 22 2005 - 10:51:21 EDT