CFP: Teaching Romanticism (UK) (1/15/06; 3/17/06-3/18/06)

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Teaching Romanticism

17 Mar 06 - 18 Mar 06,
Friends House, Euston Road, London

This event, supported by the English Subject Centre, will explore the ways in
which Romanticism is taught in Higher Education Institutions in the UK. It will
assess how far changes in research methodologies have filtered down to the
teaching of Romanticism in Universities. Are Romanticism modules now
predominantly taught historically, and if they are, is this a different
approach to that taken in other modules? How far has teaching in this subject
taken account of work done to enlarge our understanding of Romantic literature
and culture, specifically on female and black writers, issues of slavery and
colonialism, travel writing and drama, science and medicine? It is also open to
other questions concerning the teaching of Romanticism: what effect have
broader pedagogical debates have had on teaching? How have electronic resources
affected the way the modules are delivered or how students learn? Such
questions will be addressed in papers given at the event and through an
analysis of the results of an electronic questionnaire sent to convenors of
Romanticism modules throughout the country.

Papers are welcomed on any issue related to teaching Romanticism. Participants
are encouraged to present examples of innovative or successful practice, or
discussions of the particular problems of teaching the subject. We welcome a
variety of presentational formats and panel sessions may be proposed involving
more than one speaker.

The questionnaire will be disseminated in October 2005 and an analysis of its
results will be sent to event participants at the beginning of March.

The event is free, but the English Subject Centre reserves the right to charge
£15:00 non-attendance fee. Further details and an online registration form can
be found on the English Subject Centre website:

Please send 300 word proposals for papers or panel sessions by 15th January 2006
to the conference organiser, Dr Sharon Ruston, English Department, University
of Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG;

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Aug 22 2005 - 10:51:20 EDT