CFP: The Unexpected Howells (1/8/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Stokes, Claudia

The William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine
instances of Howells's life and work that diverge from what we would
normally expect of him, literary or otherwise. Possible topics may
include politics, ghost stories and occultism, utopian fiction, poetry,
literary criticism, sentimentalism, and sexuality, among others.

Please send by January 8, 2006 paper proposals no longer than 500 words
and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by
post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity
Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.


Dr. Claudia Stokes

Assistant Professor of English

Co-Director, Women's and Gender Studies

Trinity University

1 Trinity Place

San Antonio, TX 78212


FAX 210-999-7578

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Mon Aug 22 2005 - 10:51:27 EDT
