CFP: Beat and Counterculture Literature (11/15/05; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/8/06-2/11/06)
The Beat Generation and Counterculture
The 27th Annual Conference of the Southwest / Texas
Popular Culture and American Culture Associations
Albuquerque, NM
February 8-11, 2006
It's time to submit ideas for papers to present on
Beat and Counterculture Literature!
I have a new e-mail address since I mailed last year's
call for papers--so if you have sent me questions
about the conference and I haven't responded, now you
know why. The address I'm now using is
As in the past, suggested topics for papers include
(but are no means limited to) the following:
-The shamanic/beatific vision in Beat literature
-The changing nature of the Beat canon
-Modernism and the Beats
-The influence of folk and ethnic literatures on the
-Blues, jazz and/or folk music and the Beats
-Influence of graphic art on the Beats and vice versa
-Asian religion and literature as an influence on the
-Gender and the Beats
-Ecopoetics and the Beats
-Specific movements, places, and/or personalities
-Beats and travel
-Beats overseas
-Beat influence on the literatures of other countries
and cultures
-Beats and postmodernism
Any modern language is welcome for presentations. For
details about last year's meeting, this year's
meeting, registration, hotels, and travel, see the web
site at:
Please post or e-mail a 250 word abstract of your
paper (no papers please) and a brief biography by
November 15th (reception deadline, not postmark).
I would prefer to receive all abstracts and
biographies as part of the e-mail, but attachments in
MS Word or as an RTF file are acceptable. A response
will be sent in one week or less.
Hard copies may be sent to one of the following two
snail mail addresses:
Dr. Thom Young
9606 Duffer Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20886
(before October 3, 2005)
Dr. Thom Young
2526 Five Shillings Road
Frederick, MD 21701
(after October 2, 2005)
Your abstract should be headed by a two-part title
that moves from general to specific-for example,
"Women of the Beats: Anne Waldman's Performance
Poetics." The biography should be followed by a
signature that includes university or business
affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax, and e-mail.
No paper will be considered unless all these criteria
are fulfilled.
I hope everyone submits a proposal and that we have a
great turnout. I will be there this year!
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Aug 25 2005 - 07:41:17 EDT