UPDATE: The Cultural History of Reading: The Americas (no deadline noted; book)
UPDATED Call for Contributors - The Cultural History of Reading: The =
Americas - this chapter has not been previously advertised on the Upenn =
Project Overview:
The Cultural History of Reading (forthcoming from Greenwood Press, 2007) =
examines written documents (books, pamphlets, treatises, plays, poems, =
essays etc.) that shaped, and were shaped by, crucial cultural events =
throughout the world and in the United States. =20
This is a two volume set. Volume I focuses on World Literature and is =
organized by region. Volume II centers specifically on American (i.e. =
USA) literature and is organized by time period. Each volume explores =
the relationship between the historical moments that shaped a nation or =
region, and the texts that challenged, incited, enforced, or subverted =
those events. A list of recent references and other sources will also =
be included.
Contributors wanted .
The Editor seeks contributors to write subsections in the Americas =
chapter for the World Literature volume: =20
1.. Mexico=20
2.. Central America=20
3.. South America
Subsections will be approximately 20 pages long and will include: 1) a =
brief timeline of important cultural events; 2) an introduction to the =
region. Subsections will focus on the texts that generated/were =
generated by moments of cultural change or periods of distinct cultural, =
political, ideological, religious or social consolidation. Texts are by =
no means limited to creative fiction, poetry or drama. The project =
should be thought of as a "literature of history" rather than a history =
of literature. Contributors should therefore consider, inter alia, a =
mix of the most important political, philosophical, scientific, =
domestic, religious and cultural texts for their subsection(s). =
Individual entries will contain information about the specific texts =
that characterized the era, including author(s), date of first =
appearance or publication, overview of content; and discussion of =
cultural significance.
For more information contact Dr. Gabrielle Watling, Editor
at gwatling_at_endicott.edu=20
Gabrielle Watling Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English
Endicott College
Beverly, M.A., 01915
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj_at_english.upenn.edu
Received on Thu Aug 25 2005 - 07:41:17 EDT