CFP: Kingship and Power in Anglo-Saxon England (UK) (11/1/05; 4/3/06-4/5/06)

full name / name of organization: 
evelyn schneider

Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies (Mancass) Easter Conference =
4/3/06-4/5/06, Hulme Hall, Manchester, England.


Call for Papers


"Royal Authority: Kingship and Power in Anglo-Saxon England".


Among those presenting papers are Nicholas Brooks, Gareth Williams, =
Tania Dickinson and Nick Higham.


Suggestions for further papers are required by 1/11/05. Please submit a =
300-500 word pr=E9cis of your subject which might address such topics =


Who makes a king? - Heredity, the Church, powerful factions, the witan, =

What makes a king? - Consecration, control of the Treasury, command of =
an army, common consent?

How is royal authority demonstrated? - By the trappings of office, by =
weapons, by documents royally sealed, by taxation, by power of life over =


If you have views on these questions or any other answers to offer =
please let us know. If you wish to attend the conference please contact = or

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         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sun Sep 04 2005 - 08:45:49 EDT