CFP: Samuel Beckett and Ireland (10/30/05; collection)

full name / name of organization: 
Sean Kennedy
contact email: 

In order to mark the centenary of Samuel Beckett=92s birth in 2006, =
essays are
requested for a new volume examining Beckett=92s relationship with =
Entitled Beckett and Ireland: New Perspectives, this volume will offer
readings of Beckett=92s work in a social, political, and cultural =
Although many readings of Beckett=92s work tend to stress his preference =
for a
deterritorialised aesthetic, there have been a number of important =
articles stressing Beckett=92s Irishness, and it is hoped that this =
will build on such work in new and exciting ways. Possible topics might


Beckett, Thomas MacGreevy, Brian Coffey and Denis Devlin: an Irish

Beckett and the Irish revolution, 1916-1922

Beckett and the Irish counter-revolution, 1923-1936

Beckett and the end of Protestant ascendancy

Beckett, the normal and the national

Beckett, minorities and minor literature

Beckett and Revival

Beckett on Film: Reviving Beckett

Reterritorialising Beckett

Postcolonial Beckett?


Essays addressing all aspects of Beckett=92s relationship with Ireland =
will be
considered. Please send abstracts/proposals of 500 words for initial
consideration to Se=E1n Kennedy, Department of English, St Mary=92s =
Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 3C3, or by e-mail to =
<> Initial deadline: October 30th.

Dr Se=E1n Kennedy

Assistant Professor of English,

Department of English,

St Mary's University,

Halifax, NS


B3H 3C3



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Received on Sun Sep 04 2005 - 08:46:05 EDT