CFP: Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain (UK) (12/12/05; 2/25/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Amanda Mordavsky

Electrifying Experimentation: Science in Nineteenth-Century Britain
A One-Day Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Sheffield, UK
25 February 2005

The departments of English Literature and Philosophy will be hosting a one-day
conference on science in nineteenth-century Britain. Papers or panels are
warmly invited on all aspects of research broadly relating to science in
nineteenth-century Britain. Proposals may focus on areas including, but not
limited to, literature, philosophy of science, history of science, sociology,
biblical studies, art and pedagogy. Postgraduates and academics at the start of
their careers are particularly encouraged to respond. As there is an initial
publishing interest in this conference, selected papers may be published in an
edited collection.

The day will feature addresses from several leading researchers in the field,
including :
Professor Sally Shuttleworth (English Literature, Oxford)
Professor Geoffrey Cantor (History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds)
Professor John Hodge (History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds)
Dr. Gowan Dawson (English Literature, Leicester)
Dr. Gregory Raddick (History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds)

Proposals of 250 words, along with a brief biographical note, should be
submitted no later than 12 December 2005. Please send proposals by email, with
the word 'submission' in the subject line, to both the conference organizers,
Amanda Mordavsky and Simon Fitzpatrick, at the following addresses:

Visit the conference website at:

--Amanda MordavskyDepartment of English LiteratureUniversity of SheffieldSir William Empson HouseShearwood Mount, Shearwood RoadSheffield S10 2TDFax: +44 (114) 222 8481 ========================================================== From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List Full Information at or write Jennifer Higginbotham: ==========================================================Received on Sun Sep 04 2005 - 08:46:05 EDT