CFP: Composition/Rhetoric and Popular Culture (10/15/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

full name / name of organization: 
Michael Carlson Kapper
contact email: 

Call for Papers

Composition and Rhetoric Area

Popular Culture Assocation/American Culture Association Conference

Atlanta, GA
April 12-15, 2006

The Composition and Rhetoric Area of the PCA/ACA seeks papers addressing the
intersection of Popular Culture with Composition studies and/or Rhetoric, as
each of these terms can be most broadly construed. We are interested in
popular representations of writing, rhetoric, and instruction in both, as
well as the composed or rhetorical nature of culture as expressed in popular
artifacts. Topics include, but are not limited to:

+ Composition and rhetoric in literature.
+ Composition and rhetoric in film.
+ Rhetorical analysis of literature, film, popular music.
+ Rhetorics of difference (feminisms, queer studies, racial and ethnic
studies), especially as related to popular culture.
+ Rhetorics of news media.
+ Rhetorics of politics and political campaigns (especially the 2004
presidential campaign).
+ Rhetorics of warfare.
+ Rhetorics of protest/social causes.
+ Propaganda.
+ Advertising.
+ Rhetorics of religion.
+ Rhetorics practiced by specific groups (the military, social classes or
groups, academics).

This list should be considered suggestive rather than definitive; any paper
positioned in the intersection of culture, rhetoric, and composition studies
will be strongly considered.

Alternative session formats will be considered. Please explain format and
what is to be gained from this format in your abstract. Graduate student
submissions are welcome. Professors/instructors are invited to present with
their students.

For individual submissions, please send 250 word abstract and contact
information (email address, at least one postal address, at least one
telephone number).

For panel submissions, please send 250 word panel abstract plus 100 word
abstract of each paper and contact information (as above) for each

For more information on the conference or the organizations, visit:

DEADLINE: Please send abstracts by October 15, 2005
NOTIFICATION: Rolling after 9/15/05

Send submissions or address queries to:

Michael Carlson Kapper
Assistant Professor of English
Department of English
Capital University
1 College and Main
Columbus, OH 43209
614.236.6555 (Office; leave voicemail)

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Sep 10 2005 - 12:38:17 EDT
